Madala pardakõrgusega ujuvsillad, mida kasutatakse enamasti ujuma minemiseks ning väikepaatide, vesirataste, kanuude hoidmiseks.
Mõeldud eelkõige veesõidukite hoiustamiseks. Paadisillad sobivad ideaalselt suuremate veesõidukite, näiteks kaatrite ja jahtide sildumiseks.
Moodne ja kvaliteetne lahendus jeti hoiustamiseks. Modulaarne ehitus võimaldab esialgset ujuvdokki pikendada ja mahutamisvõimekust suurendada.
Lisaks enimlevinud kasutusviisidele on võimalik moodulsildu kasutada tööplatvormina, jalgrajana, puhkeplatvormina, ujuvkaina ja muudki.
Moodul-ujuvsildu on võimalik kokku panna täpselt sulle sobival viisil - piiriks on fantaasia. Pakume abi projekteerimisel, transpordil ja kokkupanemisel.
About US

We work for you since 1989. Industrial around the world

Welcome to Industrie, a leading industry innovator with a rich history of excellence.

At the heart of the global landscape, the industry stands as a multidimensional force of progress, driving economies.
Sillamoodul NP kandevõime (kg)
Sillamoodul WP kandevõime (tonn)
000 m2
Sillamooduli NP pindala (kasulik pind)
0 m2
Sillamooduli WP pindala (kasulik pind)
000 kg
Sillamoodul NP kandevõime
Siia midagi nimetada
00 m
Siia midagi nimetada
00 +
Siia midagi nimetada

Creative features from production industry

Work Process


Analysis of the client's objectives & needs

Our approach to project management is grounded in practical experience and prioritises open communication.

Engineering project study & solution design

Together, we identify the industrial data automation project's general scope and the components needed to produce.

Solution execution phase and installation done

We collaborate closely on with you and examine the strategy and install and integrate the mechanical.
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There are many variations of passages lorem ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form.

The Best Industry Experts


What people say about Industrie company

Joshua Sendu
More-or-less normal distribution of letters, as opposed to using content making it look like readable english.
Joshua Sendu
Joshua Sendu
Bm Ashik Toren
At the heart of the global landscape, the industry stands as a multidimensional force of progress driving.
Bm Ashik Toren
Bm Ashik Toren
Bm Ashik Toren
At the heart of the global landscape, the industry stands as a multidimensional force of progress driving.
Bm Ashik Toren
Bm Ashik Toren
Penelopa Miller
Industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type.
Penelopa Miller
Penelopa Miller
Team Manager

Partners Who Trust Industrie


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There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form by injected humour.

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42 Mamnoun Street, Saba Carpet and Antiques Store, UK

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Mon - Fri: 09am - 07pm

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The point of using Lorem Ipsum is that it has more-or-less normal